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Attention: You do not need to enter surname, street, number, mobile phone number, birthday and -month here, submitting of these data is voluntary.
Nickname / Alias:
Mobile Phone Number: * Mobile phone number in international format 00ccvvvnnnnnnnn (e.g. 004917512345678), only required in case you want to be informed via SMS about products that are close to its best before date
E-Mail: * A valid mail address is required in every case to submit your account data and your password, otherwise no login is possible!
I have read the Terms of Usage completely, agree with them and have understood fully, that I'm completely responsible for everything I do here on this platform. That also includes (but not exclusively) possible copyright violations caused by uploaded material like pictures or videos, unlawful statements about third parties or other possibly illegal activities.
I have read the Privacy Regulations completely, agree with them and therefore agree with the fact that the personal data I enter here are stored. I fully understad that these actions are necessary to take part here, all the data I submit here are submitted complete and voluntary.
*) Non-public data

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